We are being funded in the first instance by Utopia’s “Do the Right thing” Fund. An entire breakdown of costs and reasoning can be found below.

Expense Type Amount Reasoning
Camera crew, sound, and post-production (crew to bring own gear) £900 In discussion with crew and potential assistants
Payment for x6 Participants £600 In discussion with each participant separately. £100 each is being offered to each participant.
Payment for content advisors £200 (£50 for 4 reviewers) In discussion with each participant separately. £50 for 2 hour sessions for our “content advisors” to review content. Our content advisors all have lived experience or expertise of CSA and offer different perspectives from a variety of lenses. However, they would prefer to stay anonymous or off camera for this piece of work.
Podcast and web Hosting (podsprout, notion and podia) £200 N/A - Flat rate
Filming Venue NEED to find a deal (maximum £100 can go to this for food, drink and snack costs on the day) Cheap as possible -Still being decided- we need somewhere that works between London and Brighton and where participants are based. If you know anyone please do let us know
Mental Health support for filming days £0, volunteered by Sophia Sophia is a trained mental health first aider and is happy to offer this support to participants (both in-front of and behind the camera). We are also looking for volunteer follow ups.

Money rules:

  1. No one is paid more for the same service than anyone else doing the same job for this project, but where we can, more funds will be given to support costs to those living further away or who need additional support for childcare, accommodation etc.
  2. Where we cannot offer competitive rates for services, we will offer a skill share for an equivalent for your task. For example, in addition to your payment for featuring on the webisode, I can offer to speak at one of your community events or advise on graphic design and illustration support, or to shadow someone else if you would like to learn another skill.
  3. Complete transparency of costs The project is running vastly overbudget for the funds allocated, and where necessary, I am topping this up with funds earned from my freelance work. Because of this, I see it as absolutely vital to be transparent where all the money is going, so everyone understands the undertakings of this project and what to do should they wish to create something of this scale with similar funds.